YYC PRINCESS is a Professional Princess Party company located in Calgary, Alberta and serving Calgary, Airdrie, Okotoks, Sylvan, Drumheller and more.​ We encourage and inspire creativity and being oneself as they dance and sing and get creative with our princess!

YYC PRINCESS has become Calgary's top choice for princess entertainment - winning the Fairy Godmother of YYC PRINCESS, Caitlynne Medrek, Avenue Magazine's Top 40 under 40, class of 2020. We strive to redefine the role of princesses and empower them to be heroic! Everyone can be their own hero with us!

All YYC Princesses are trained actors, singers and dancers. They have extensive resumes in children's theatre around Alberta. They have all passed police background checks.



All parties include glitter tattoos unless it’s a roaming experience. Sister Princess Special means Anna/Elsa or any sister princesses.
An additional princess fee is applied to more than 2 princesses.

About Our Fairy Godmother

My name is Caitlynne, I am the Fairy Godmother of YYC PRINCESS.
As a professional actress, with a sincere love of magic and playing dress up, starting YYC PRINCESS seemed like a no brainer to me, and since 2016 - YYC PRINCESS has become Calgary's top choice for princess entertainment - it even won me the great honour of being Avenue Magazine's Top 40 under 40, class of 2020.

I was a Disney child.  Forcing my mother to rewind the Beauty and the Beast VHS at least three times per day.  I’d fall asleep reading  "The Little Mermaid" and belt out 'Part of Your World" to anyone who would listen.  To this day, I still blame Ariel for my love of Scuba Diving and the Ocean, and I blame Belle for my love of poofy dresses and a sense of adventure. In hindsight, I'm surprised YYC PRINCESS didn't occur to me sooner, however, the birth of YYC PRINCESS did come at the most perfect time for it to be PART OF MY WORLD.

My love of performing, singing, dancing, wearing giant dresses, and going on daring adventures had to come from somewhere, and I believe my awareness of these passions came from the brave princesses I watched growing up.  So I created YYC Princess with the hopes of inspiring children to be creative, unique and themselves. I recognized the influence that the Princesses have on young minds, and I refuse to take that responsibility lightly.  YYC PRINCESS contracts performers who come from authentic strength, talent, beauty and bravery in all areas of life.  We are so lucky to have these women inspire the next generation of princesses. 


Follow our Fairytale on Instagram!



All YYC Princesses are trained actors, singers and dancers, They are Betty Mitchell Award Winning Actors, Certified Stage Combat Instructors, School Teachers, Professional Ballerinas, Opera Singers, Nurses and more. They have extensive resumes in Children's Theatre around Alberta.  They have all passed police background checks. 

YYC Princess is not affiliated with any copyrighted entities; all characters are generic derivatives of fairytale stories.